Sunday, January 10, 2010

Kids cookbooks

I went to the library yesterday and decided to try looking for kids cookbooks again.  Searching for them on the computer site for the library hasn't been very promising, so I just went looking at the shelves.  The computer said that there are 5 total cookbooks for children in the whole library system.  When I went to the shelves, there were three whole shelves of them.  All kinds of cookbooks: cooking for parents and children, fun kids recipes, cooking by country (foods from Germany, foods from France, foods from Brazil, foods from China, and so on and so on), how to make food fun for kids, recipes made up by children.  It was a wonderful find!  I take a reusable shopping bag that I bought at Target (all the grocery stores have them too) to the library because the bags they provide always break on me.  This time I wasn't able to fit all my books in the bag because I got so many cookbooks!  I've looked through three of them so far and have found that many of the recipes are the same.
  My favorite one though is "Paula Deen's My First Cookbook".  It has many of the same recipes as the others (ants on a log, smoothies, pancakes, pasta with cheese sauce) but there are some good other ones also (Porcupine Balls, Gelatin Blocks, Campfire Stew, Applewiches, Monkey Bread, and Green Eggs and Ham).  Not only the recipes sound good, but I like the way the book is set up.  The first page of a recipe has a picture of everything that you need for the recipe (mixing bowl, utensils, what to cook in, ingredients), the recipes are easy to follow if you want to have the kids make it on their own (if old enough) or help you out.  To make the book fun for kids, all the pictures are realisitc looking cartoons.  It also had a small section for making playdough and bubbles.


  1. How funny that was your favorite... I didn't like it nearly as much as the other ones I got, because it didn't seem as fun and new. BUT... I've been thinking that maybe what you liked about it was that it was do-able with the things that you had in your pantry.. and not all frilly and fancy (like the ones I like better, but haven't tried any what does my opinion say!!! haha) BUT ... you motivated me. I did recipe today FINALLY. Will post.

  2. Okay. I'm a dork. I didn't mean to sound like such a snob in my comment! You can like whatever cookbooks you like... Jeesh! So... keep the recipes coming. Love you girl.

  3. I did like it because many of the recipes I had the items on hand. They are also recipes that I think both my girls will eat. M is such a funny eater that I wanted to stick to basic but fun recipes. I don't think you are a recipe snob! Love you too.

  4. I just have a soft spot for cookbooks with fabulous photos. I just have to in gear and try some more recipes.


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