Thursday, December 10, 2009

Menu Planning

Lately when I've gone to the store I just pick up stuff that I think will be good with what I have at home, but no real plan on what to have and when.  I noticed that my grocery bill was getting higher than it should.  So last week I sat down and went through my cupboards and freezer to see what I had.  I checked my list of meals that I know how to make (about 50 different ones I know we like), and tried to figure out what meals I could make without having to buy many groceries.  I came up with 13 meals that I just needed a few things for.  So my shopping bill was only $50 last week!  That was great for me.  I decided that I would make a schedule for two weeks of meals.  That way I don't have to start thinking at 4:00 about what we will have for dinner.  Of course, if something comes up I can move the meals around, but it's nice to have a general plan.  Here's what my list looks like:  Baked Spaghetti, White Chicken Chili, Pot Roast with veggies, burritos, Chicken rice casserole, Homemade tomato soup, breakfast, meatloaf, Baked Gnocchi, Chicken Rice Soup, Crockpot pork chops, Shepherd's pie, fish sticks, Beef casserole.  I had all the meat for the meals, I just needed to buy salad makings and other veggies, and some bread to go with the meals.  The only thing I have to buy this week is snacks for the kids (apples, goldfish veggie crackers, yogurt).

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome... and hoping to see some recipes posted here!!


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