Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Beef on a dime!

I love getting a great deal! And this is the best deal I've come across!! If you buy your beef at a grocery store (Safeway, Albertsons, etc), they will custom slice meat. Watch the ads... and when you see a roast on sale (ours usually come thru on sale between $1.99 and $2.49/lb), head to the grocery store.  I love Carne Asade (usually about 5.99/lb, but never buy it at that price), so I have at least two large roasts sliced very thin for that. You can also have them slice it a bit thicker for fajita style meat! Usually at this sale price, the roast will be cheaper than ground beef.  They will grind it up for you, too. Make sure you find a roast that has as little fat as you can, if you are going to have it made into ground beef. Buy a bunch, take it home, freeze it in 1lb packs, and use it when needed! You'll probably have enough to last you until another great sale comes your way! And some stores will even throw in free seasoning when you get your meat sliced! Now that is what I call a deal!

1 comment:

  1. What good tips. I never knew that the grocery store would slice beef for you. It's much easier for them to do it than you trying yourself at home.


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