Sunday, August 23, 2009

History of the Buds

A few years ago (let's not say how many so I dont feel so old okay?) in the wonderful city of Bellingham, Washington two girls were attending college. One girl was living at the famous (in small circles at least) G Street house. The other girl lived in nice little houses with friends. These girls became friends then roommates in Utah. While waiting for Jennifer to move from WA to UT, Aliza began her culinary expeditions. Peanut butter and jelly was about as far as she got to tell the truth. Things got better when Jennifer moved into the apartment. Top Ramen Chicken Salad, pasta with chicken, Mexican chicken (it seems like a lot of chicken was eaten, but I know there were other things too), and yummy brownies followed for the next year and a half. Then Aliza got married, Jenny moved back to Washington, Jenny got married, and so here we are a few years later. Aliza now lives in South Carolina and Jen lives in Washington. Both have families but have stayed in touch all these years.

We are buds, we like to cook, it's fun to share cooking adventures-good or bad-, and it's fun to see what other people are eating. I feel like I get in a rut of what to cook. Jenny had this great idea to do a blog about recipes we like, don't like, want to try, cookbooks to try, and anything doing with cooking. I think it's a great idea, so here I am. I hope that we can find some good things to share and have fun while we do it. So here we go....


  1. Thanks for the 1st post Ali!

  2. ... don't forget your fabulous stuffed peppers!

  3. Okay.. one more comment... (since who else is really going to comment!) ... I love how you start off calling me Jennifer (X2) and the Jenny (X2) and then by the end of the blip your calling me Jen. And then one more Jen. (Is that your way of implying I have multiple personalities?)... =)

  4. Ahh...the peppers! Yes, how could I forget? I just made the meat & rice filling and froze it so I can make stuffed peppers when I get some green peppers at the store.
    No, I wasn't implying multiple personalities. Just didn't know what to call you. It's kind of like when you sign your notes to me...sometimes you are Jenny, sometimes Jen. I think of you as Jen, and call you Aunt Guinne to Emma. (do you remember that? Guinne Peek?)

  5. Ah, how could I forget. Maybe we should refer to ourselves as Alizoba and Aunt Guinne?!!!


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